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Writer's picture: Jasmine Dominique Jasmine Dominique

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

Nature reminds us that nothing remains the same and that we will thrive when we are in sync with the seasons of our lives.

Are you blooming?

I work with a diverse group of clients that have been shaped and molded by a range of different experiences. My aim is to always remind them that they are not their experiences and that they have the opportunity to "unstuck themselves" at any time if they are being held captive by the spirit of stagnation.

Quite often, the fear of the unknown and the fear of failure are what holds people back from manifesting the world of their dreams. Disappointment can create blurred vision, or it can propel us into a state of empowerment.

When we become empowered, we become magical and unstoppable beings. The key is to identify and to relinquish all self-sabotaging cycles that get in the way of your evolution.

Are you ready for what it is that you are asking for?

The transformation that you are seeking is seeking you, but it is going to require that you give yourself the permission to become a different version of yourself. Now, that doesn't mean that you must change the most amazing characteristics that make you who you are. The conversion simply means that you are willing to make the necessary adjustments, so that you become a match for what it is that you are seeking to create for your life.

Let's get into it. Take the ride with me as I share 4 TIPS that will assist you as you BLOOM.

As you read, remember that you are already an incredible being. There is no one like you on this planet. My aim is to remind you as I remind myself that we like nature are here to evolve. Throughout our lives, the evolution will require that we swivel and expand beyond our comforts.

Let's Continue to Rise & Thrive.......

One: Commit to being honest with yourself. I noticed a common theme amongst my clients who are at war with their own development. Usually, they are blindsided when it comes to acknowledging how repetitive decision making patterns have interfered with their progress.

In order to transform, we must first come to terms with our thought processes and how they are (1) supporting us or (2) holding us back.

A heightened level of self awareness and transparency are the culprits for change. We must fortify the relationship that we have with ourselves before we can soar. This will require that we do an honest evaluation of ourselves and of the lives that we have created. It is ok to ask yourself about what has worked and not worked for you.

Give yourself grace and kindness as unbeneficial sequences reveal themselves to you. We do what we know and have learned over the span of our lives. Ultimately, honesty opens the gateway for us to see ourselves without illusions and to make the proper adjustments to be the most authentic version of ourselves.

Two: Shatter the Expectations. Let's face it, when we exited the womb, we were thrown into a world and sometimes families that operate within norms, trends and standards. As a result, we adapted and conformed in order to be accepted. Without question, most of us at an early age began to do what was expected without attesting or questioning the rationale.

Who created the rules?

The transformation that you are preparing for is going to require that you release yourself from dogmas and criteria that do not align with who it is that you are becoming and what it is that you envision for your life.

There is a shedding process that will initiate your growth. You may notice that certain thoughts, people, places and things do not serve you anymore. You may feel an intense desire to remove yourself from what or who it is that pressures you to exist a certain way. The spirit of rebellion may cause you to question everything that you have been told about who you are and what it is that you are capable of. Don't worry, liberation comes with asking questions.

It is ok to release yourself from confining standards. We are multi-dynamic and multi-faceted beings. We do not belong in barrels or boxes. We are limitless beings that deserve to be free.

So go ahead and ask those questions! What is revealed might just open your mind to new possibilities.

Three: Be Grateful. Where you are in your life right now is a catalyst for where it is that you are going. Sometimes, we can become so obsessed with excelling and elevating that we forget to stop and smell the roses. Every moment and every experience have led you to the calling to transform.

The stepping stones of your life have worked together on your behalf to launch you into an even more amazing version of yourself. Remember to be grateful. Give thanks for the tower moments and the miraculous moments that taught you valuable lessons.

Even though, you may not be who you are aspiring to be or have what you are working towards having, you are here. You have the opportunity to choose and to BECOME.

Being grateful is an energy that further opens the gateway for all that we want. Gratitude is a magnetic force that draws to us more reasons to be grateful. Talk about magic! There is a divine essence that is fueled by our ability to appreciate the now.

Be thankful.

Four: Relax and Receive. The transformation that is approaching cannot sprout when there is resistance. Give ease, fluidity and alignment the permission to Show Up and to Show Out for you!

Do you think and feel that you deserve to receive? Can you get out of the way, so that you can receive?

Another theme that I have noticed amongst my clients that are waiting for dynamic changes, is that they fight the tide! You must first believe that you are the perfect recipient of the gifts that are awaiting you. Check in with the parts of your past that could possible be telling you otherwise.

Sometimes, the transformation is waiting for us to make peace with our past so that we can rest in the present moment and be anchored for the arrival of the future.

Tune into the Power of Receiving by saying yes more and by giving people the opportunity to pour into you! You deserve it.

That transformation, upgrade and new beginning is waiting for you. Trust yourself and remember that like nature, we were created to bloom.

Jasmine Dominique is an Author, Artist, Inspirational Public Speaker, Mental Health Clinician M.A. & Wholistic Health Specialist

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