The New World is here. Can you feel the shift? It seems as if a new digital invention appears daily. How did we get here? Are we aware of what is happening? Can we keep up with the swift changes?
No doubt about it, we are living in a different age. Technology has a very strong and dominant presence. AI offers to do much if not all of the work, while we simply give it our demands. Is that healthy? What happens to our brains and our ability to create if we depend on a machine to do the work for us?
Though technology introduces innovative and simpler methods to achieve our goals, are we still utilizing our innate abilities and talents?
This blog is all about remembering balance. I......not AI wrote this message to encourage us all to remain near the very essence that fueled our purpose in the first place. The Soul. Although I do believe that it is important to be aware and educated about the current times, my hope is that this blog sparks the beauty of your humanness.
Take your time and give your brain the opportunity to read and to digest the material. Relax.

Four Essential Ways to Safe Keep the Soul in a Digital World......
Fuel your soul as much as you fuel brain. We all have that something inside of us that intertwines us with each other, the moon, the sun, the stars, the trees and so much more! Naturally, we have the ability to manifest with the power of our thoughts. We are spirits having a human experience.
It is your magic that contributes to the cultivation of creativity in this world. When we relinquish our physical bodies, it is the soul that will continue to thrive. As above so below. We were spirit before we were anything else. Take care of the soul. It is ancient and it is relevant. We wouldn't be here without it.
Always, I encourage my clients to Fuel the Soul by doing what made them happy as a child. Why? If you pay attention to very young children, they do what feels good. Whatever it is that sparks their creativity is what works! Play, be messy, go out on an adventure, explore and be silly!
Remember who you were before the labels, the titles, the expectations and the responsibilities infiltrated your existence. Inside of each of us is a child that is ready to play! Have a conversation with your inner child and ask them what they would like to do. Let go of the idea that your play time should make sense. Enjoy the moment and surrender to the power of a wild and free imagination!
To name a few you can also Fuel Your Soul by:
-Spending time with nature
-Disconnecting from social media and all forms of technology
-Eating healthy and revitalizing foods
-Enjoying the company of amazing people
2. Evaluate your reality. Take a moment to be reflect on your health (mental included), your relationship with yourself and your relationships with others. Be kind to yourself as you do so. We are all maneuvering through this complex journey called life! Simply, assess and make a note of what needs to change. Take your time. Your reality did not take form overnight. What has manifested is the result of traditions, norms, patterns, beliefs and paradigms that have been built overtime.
Our society has set many standards that are guided by the concept of time. It is so easy to get warped into the demands that are controlled by time! We deserve to give to ourselves the space to observe our lives. After all, who wants to look back at their lives and grieve over the Shoulda, Coulda and Woulda's?! No thank you! Don't take Free Will for granted!
3. Make Adjustments and Be Still. Subtle changes are powerful changes that will ultimately improve your Quality of Life. The first step is to become aware and next you can make a decision. As you begin to change things around consider the synergy between your mind, your body and your soul. Remember, we are aiming for balance. Finding that balance might take some time but forget about perfection and trust the process. Avoid overwhelming yourself by remembering that we can do and we can be......still.
There is no pressure, no judgment and no rush. Making adjustments within your reality belongs to you. When you choose to, simply identify an area of your life that you would like to convert, write down how you will do so and invest by making simple adjustments. Your Pace.
4. Give Yourself Grace. As I mentioned earlier, we are all trying to maneuver through this complex journey called life. If you meet someone who has figured out how to do so flawlessly, please inform me! I'd like to tell them to stop the bullsh*@ insert chuckles here!
We are here to evolve, which requires that we learn several lessons along the way. I don't know about you, but I have made several mistakes. Failure has been an incredible guide. It has allowed me to open my mind and my eyes to a more conducive way of thinking and behaving.
Ultimately, those character building moments allot us with the opportunity to check in with the soul to ensure that we are aligned. If not, no worries we have the power to create the shift. Doing so with grace is not only beneficial for our mental health, but for our soul as we create the space for it to express itself in new and meaningful ways.

Thank you for reading this blog! Sincerely, my hope when creating this read was to inspire, to empower and to remind us all that we are not machines! Don't let the world turn you into a database. You are so much more than that. You have your own beautiful mind and such a special soul!
Our mental, physical and our spiritual health thrives when we give to ourselves the permission to tap into our soul. The part of us that will exist until infinity and beyond. You are worth so much more than what you can produce. Your mere existence is a miracle and proof that there is an energy beyond this physical realm that is omni present and everlasting.
Jasmine Dominique is an Author, Artist, Blogger, Podcast Host, Inspirational Public Speaker, Mental Health Clinician M.A. and Health & Wellness Specialist
Copyright Jasmine Dominique. All Rights Reserved 2024.